Acts 5:29

Acts 5:29

"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, ‘We ought to obey God rather than men’"
(Acts 5:29 NKJV)

no one has the right to reverse the directives of the Lord

The setting of this verse contrasts the hateful tactics of the Sanhedrin with the resolute faithfulness of the apostles. While the one body breathes out threats, the other quotes Scripture.

The Sanhedrin was the highest council or assembly of Jews who ruled Judea at this time. They were led by the high priest. Rome granted them limited authority, not only over certain religious, but also over civil and criminal matters. They were responsible for arresting Jesus and for condemning Him to die — supposedly for blasphemy, actually for jealousy.

The Sanhedrin plot appeared to work: after Jesus was crucified, they thought their problems were over. They did not count on His resurrection.

After He was raised from the dead, He appeared to His apostles (and to many others, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11). He commissioned them to preach His gospel to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem (Matthew 28; Mark 16). Acts 2-3 shows the incredible beginning of this preaching. A few days after His ascension, they led some 3000 to believe the truth: Jesus was raised from the dead. Their baptism into Christ created a peaceful army of disciples — an army that continued to grow by thousands.

The Sanhedrin could not merely dispose of the apostles as they had disposed of Jesus. Gamaliel persuaded them to wait and see what would become of this effort.

The apostles were once confused and frightened; now they are enlightened and fearless. They are ready to die for their Lord. They will not be silenced...except by death. The Sanhedrin could not answer their words. Our memory verse illustrates their activities in Jerusalem. Consider a brief analysis of the text —

  1. We ought: expresses what is necessary, what one must do (as in the new birth, John 3:7, and acceptable worship, John 4:24).
  2. To obey: if Jesus is “both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36) He deserves faithful obedience. His full authority and our undying gratitude demand total surrender to Him as Lord.
  3. God: both the Sanhedrin and the apostles believe in the heavenly Father. But He has “made Jesus both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36). The council cannot reject one Person of the Godhead without rejecting the other (John 12:48-49).
  4. Rather than men: no one has the right to reverse the directives of the Lord. What does this say about those whose creeds and conduct contradict the Word of God?

Every Christian needs the courage of the apostles. We have received the same salvation as they. We serve the same risen Lord. We have His word. Let us bravely do our part by proclaiming it to all who will hear.

– Rick Duggin